
Virginity Tests Banned in Egypt

Last week, an administrative court in Egypt banned virginity tests for women who had been arrested.

In May, a senior Egyptian general confirmed findings in an Amnesty International report that during the uprisings in Egypt, military officials conducted virginity checks on women who were arrested during the uprisings. The general stated that the virginity checks were conducted so that the women could not claim that they had been raped while in military custody. Amnesty International indicated that over 18 women were tortured, beaten, and subjected to electric shocks while being held in military detention.

Amnesty International strongly denounced the treatment of the women in its statement: “Women and girls must be able to express their views on the future of Egypt and protest against the government without being detained, tortured, or subjected to profoundly degrading and discriminatory treatment.”


CNN 12/27/11; Feminist Daily Newswire 5/31/11

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