
Female Voters Favor Obama by Ten Points

A new poll released today by NBC/Wall Street Journal shows that female voters nationally favor President Obama by ten points.

While the poll (see PDF) showed that President Obama was ahead of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney by five points overall, the gender gap between the two candidates increased to ten points. In individual states the difference was even higher. In Florida and Virginia, women voters favored President Obama over Governor Romney by 14 points. Ohio women voters favored President Obama by 16 points.

According to the poll 21, percent of voters overall were concerned about Governor Romney’s positions on abortion, contraception, and gay marriage compared to 13 percent who were concerned about President Obama’s positions.

The poll surveyed 900 registered voters by phone from September 12-16 and has a margin of error of 3 percent. Of the 900 surveyed, the poll indicated that 736 were likely voters.

Media Resources: NBC/Wall Street Journal 9/19/12; Rachel Maddow Show 9/19/12

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