
Mexican State of Colima Legalizes Same-Sex Civil Unions

Photo by schlaeger via flickr

Lawmakers in the Mexican state of Colima voted to change the state constitution to allow civil unions Monday. Seven of the 10 municipality officials in the state approved the constitutional reform. This is seen as a compromise, as state spokeswoman Cecilia Ramirez noted, a state survey showed that residents opposed same-sex marriage but supported some legal rights for same-sex couples. However, two congressmen voted against allowing civil unions, arguing that full marriage rights should be given to same-sex couples.

Currently, Mexico City and the state of Quintana Roo allow same-sex marriage, and the state of Coahuila began allowing civil unions in 2007. In December, the Supreme Court of Mexico ruled that a state law in Oaxaca could not be interpreted to ban same-sex marriage.

Media Resources: Sources: Associated Press 7/31/2013; BBC 7/30/2013; Global Post 7/30/2013; Feminist Newswire 12/7/2012


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