Supreme Court Rules to Uphold Affordable Care Act, Decides Catholic Adoption Agency has Right to Prevent LGBTQ+ Couples from Fostering Children

In a 7-2 decision Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled to leave Affordable Care Act intact, dismissing a challenge made against the ACA by several states led by Texas.   The challenge claimed that the ACA’s individual mandate was unconstitutional. The plaintiffs had hoped that a ruling of the individual mandate as unconstitutional would declare every other provision of the ACA, and the entire law itself, unconstitutional as well. This is the third challenge to have been made against the ACA since the […]

ACLU Sues Catholic Hospital for Putting Religion over Medical Care

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services against a Michigan Catholic hospital for refusing to perform a postpartum tubal ligation on a pregnant brain cancer patient, a violation of the nondiscrimination provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

1 in 6 Hospital Beds Are In Catholic Facilities That Deny Critical Healthcare to Women

A new report issued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and MergerWatch found that one in six hospital beds in the United States are located in a Catholic facility that denies critical reproductive health care services, even when a patient’s life or health is endangered.

Judge Rejects Order to Block Catholic Hospitals Denying Women Tubal Ligations

A San Francisco Superior Court judge declined to issue an emergency order that would prevent Mercy Medical Center, a Catholic hospital, from refusing a women’s request for a tubal ligation.

Federal Judge Exempts Another Catholic University from Birth Control Coverage

The founder of Ave Maria University, Tom Monaghan – who also founded Domino’s Pizza – governs the town of Ave Maria. The town only has one OB/GYN and prohibits the distribution of contraception completely.

Catholic Church Files Civil Rights Complaint Against State Over Abortion Mandate

Although a spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights says the new complaint from the Catholic conference is under review, Rouillard has reiterated that the agency considers abortion a basic health care service.

California Reverses Decision Allowing Catholic Colleges to Refuse to Cover Abortion

The state of California had previously allowed insurance companies on two campuses to deny abortion coverage. On Friday, Governor Jerry Brown’s Department of Managed Health Care reversed that decision.

Mass Grave in Ireland Contains Remains of Almost 800 Children from Catholic “Mother-And-Baby Home”

The “mother-and-baby home,” in operation from 1925 to 1961, was one of many Catholic Church-run institutions across Ireland created to house unwed pregnant women and hide the “stain” they would create on the morality of the country.

ACLU Files Lawsuit For Pregnant Woman Denied Care at Catholic Hospital

“They never offered me any options,” said Means. “They didn’t tell me what was happening to my body. Whatever was going on with me, they discussed it amongst themselves. I was just left to wonder, what’s going to happen to me?”

Catholics for Choice Challenges the Vatican’s Role at the UN

Catholics for Choice launched its “See Change” campaign last week calling for a review of the status of the Roman Catholic church at the United Nations. The Holy See–the government of the Roman Catholic church–currently holds Non-Member State Permanent Observer status at the UN which gives it an influential role in the intergovernmental body, including […]

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Catholic Health Association Agrees with Birth Control Coverage Provision

The Catholic Health Association announced that it no longer disagrees with Obama Administration’s Contraception Solution, a plan that will allow employees to receive free birth control coverage.

Catholic Colleges Support BC’s Ban on Condom Distribution

Catholic colleges and universities across the country are siding with Boston College’s decision to discipline students who continue to distribute condoms on campus. A representative from Catholic University, Victor Nakas, said, “One of the teachings of our faith is that contraception is morally unacceptable. Since condoms are a form of contraception, we do not permit […]

Catholic Cardinal Relieved from Public Duties following Cover Up Release

Retired Cardinal Roger M. Mahony was relieved from all of his public duties hours after the release of confidential Catholic Church documents on child sexual abuse scandals from the 1980’s. Thousands of files containing information regarding the cover up of years of sexual abuse scandals by priests within the church, many of which occurred during […]

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Catholic Hospital Claims Fetuses Aren’t People in Malpractice Defense

A Colorado Catholic hospital defended itself against a wrongful death suit by claiming that the hospital failed to perform an emergency c-section to save the lives of twin fetuses in court by arguing that fetuses are not people. In 2006, Lori Stodghill was seven months pregnant with twins when she arrived at St. Thomas More […]

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Catholic Church Continues Fight Against Women’s and LGBT Rights

The Catholic church acknowledged Monday that they have no plans to revise their stance on birth control or same-sex marriage despite falling flat with voters this year. This comes alongside complaints filed last week with the Internal Revenue Service that allege that many bishops and religious organizations violated requirements that they be non-partisan during this […]

Catholics for Choice Poll: Majority of Catholics Not Concerned About Abortion, Gay Marriage

In a Catholics for Choice poll of 1000 self-described Catholic voters, respondents indicated that they are most concerned about jobs, public education, and healthcare-and least concerned about abortion and gay marriage. The poll found that 83 percent of Catholic voters feel no obligation to vote the way the Catholic hierarchy recommends, and 76 percent feel […]

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