
Rep. Slaughter Reintroduces Prevention First in House

Representative Louise Slaughter (D-NY) reintroduced the Prevention First Act in the House on Monday. This bill, which was not acted on the last congress, is designed to increase access to both contraception and comprehensive sex education and reduce the number of unintended pregnancies in the US. The bill, which was introduced in the Senate by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in early January, is now in committee in both Houses.

The legislation would increase funds for the National Family Planning Program (known as Title X) and for Medicaid Family Planning Services. The bill would also end insurance discrimination against women, spread awareness about emergency contraception, provide rape victims with free emergency contraception, and require medically accurate information in federally funded sex education programs.

“I am proud to reintroduce this bill which serves as an innovative and comprehensive approach to protecting women’s reproductive health, decreasing the spread of STDs, and reducing the number of unintended pregnancies,” Rep. Slaughter said of the bill in a Senate press release. “If we want to reduce the number of abortions in this country, the methodology is clear — empower women to prevent unintended pregnancies through education and access to contraception.”
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SB 21; HR 819; Senate release 2/6/07

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