
Thousands March for Lesbian and Gay Pride

Spectators in Manhattan and San Francisco cheered for the thousands of lesbians and gay men who participated in the 28th annual march for Gay Pride Day. The event launched an effort to help people stay healthy and free of HIV. In Manhattan, marchers included the city’s politicians. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani ( R ), received some boos and accusations of hypocrisy when he marched by the crowd. Giuliani’s participation sparked controversy because the Mayor has announced his opposition to lesbian and gay marriages sanctioned by the law. In San Francisco, hundreds of women on motorcycles led the march. The city’s Parade Spokeswoman Denise Ratliff commented, “We truly are of every age, every race, every religious background, every economic and educational background. We’re everyone’s brother and son and sister and daughter.”


The Washington Post- June 30, 1997

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