For Immediate Release

May 24, 2005

Abuse of Raw Power by Senate Republicans and the President Slowed

Statement of Eleanor Smeal President, Feminist Majority

Arlington, Virginia Ð The Senate deal stops for now Majority Leader Frist’s nuclear option. But unfortunately it could be a harbinger of impending peril for women’s rights and civil rights. Although two extreme right-wing judicial nominees will be blocked, the three worst pending nominees on women’s rights and civil rights to the federal Circuit Courts of Appeals will be approved.

The deal leaves open the possibility that the filibuster could be used in “extraordinary circumstances.” Will saving women’s lives, women’s rights, and civil rights be considered such an extraordinary circumstance? If the records of the three anti-women’s rights, anti-civil rights nominees who will receive a vote of confirmation under the deal are to be the standard, then these rights are in grave peril.

But at least we have a chance. Without any possibility of a filibuster, we would have no chance under the present circumstances of blocking an extreme anti-women’s rights and civil rights Supreme Court nominee.



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