Feminism n. the policy, practice or advocacy of political, economic, and social equality for women.
The name Feminist Majority Foundation is a consciousness-raiser, inspired by a 1986 Newsweek/Gallup public opinion poll that showed the majority of women (56%) in the United States self-identified as feminists. Most polls since then reveal that this majority continues with over two-thirds of young women self-identifying as feminists. Most men, especially young men, view themselves as supporters of the women’s rights movement. 71% believe the movement has improved their lives. Today, some 45% of men self-identify as feminists.
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), which was founded in 1987, is a cutting edge organization dedicated to women’s equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically. Our organization believes that feminists of all genders are the majority, but this majority must be empowered.
Led by FMF President Eleanor Smeal, our research and action programs focus on advancing the legal, social and political equality of women with men, countering the backlash to women’s advancement, and recruiting and training young feminists to encourage future leadership for the feminist movement in the United States.
To carry out these aims, FMF engages in research and public policy development, public education programs, grassroots organizing projects, leadership training and development programs, and participates in and organizes forums on issues of women’s equality and empowerment. Our sister organization, the Feminist Majority, engages in lobbying and other direct political action, pursuing equality through legislative avenues.