For Immediate Release

March 21, 2006

Feminist Majority PAC Endorses Alan Sandals for US Senate Race in PA, Statement of Eleanor Smeal

3/21/2006 – The Feminist Majority PAC is very proud to announce its endorsement of Alan Sandals to be Pennsylvania’s next United States Senator.

Alan Sandals’ candidacy is in keeping with Pennsylvania’s long history of progressive thought and action. Pennsylvania has long been the heart of the feminist movement, as so many of the movement’s leaders got their start in that state, including myself. I grew up in Pennsylvania and raised my own children during their formative years in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. I’ve traveled all over the state organizing for women’s rights and social justice, and I served as president of the Pennsylvania National Organization for Women.

I feel strongly that Pennsylvania needs the kind of progressive leadership that Alan Sandals would bring. The Feminist Majority PAC has thoroughly examined Sandals’ record, and we believe he represents the best of the Pennsylvania tradition of women’s equality and social justice.

Pennsylvania needs a strong voice in the U.S. Senate for women’s rights, reproductive rights, pension rights, economic justice, and the rights of older Americans, especially women. Alan Sandals would be that voice.

This is a critical time for reproductive rights in the United States. South Dakota has just passed a ban on virtually all abortions in the state, and some eleven other states are considering similar bans. The Senate has confirmed two anti-choice Supreme Court Justices in the past six months. And the Supreme Court will soon decide whether the federal abortion procedure ban is constitutional.

There is no question – Pennsylvania voters are in favor of keeping abortion and family planning legal. Alan Sandals represents these strongly held views. As a pension rights lawyer, he also is a fighter for economic justice for women. Alan Sandals is the best choice to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate.


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