For Immediate Release

December 17, 2013

WATCH: FMF Releases Video on Affordable Care Act Enrollment

Feminist Majority Foundation released a short video today detailing the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and urging people to Get Covered for the Holidays through the state Health Insurance Marketplaces.

getcovered page

The ACA has made it easier for women to get affordable, quality health care coverage that fits their needs. It guarantees that all new health insurance plans cover FDA-approved contraceptives, including the pill, IUDs and emergency contraception, without co-pays or deductibles. It ensures that new insurance plans cover cancer screenings, domestic violence counseling, and well women exams, as well as provide maternal care, mental health care, and pediatric services – among many others. It also does not allow insurance policies to charge women more simply because of their gender. Check out the video to learn about even more benefits.

Enrollment is ongoing, but if you enroll by December 23 on, you can get covered by January 1!

Media Resources: Feminist Majority’s Youtube Channel 12/17/13; Feminist Newswire 12/13/13;


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