
The Feminist Majority Foundation is looking for volunteers to help with various campaigns we are currently working on. Volunteers can attend fun action events and weekly volunteer nights, volunteer in our office on an individual basis, and take action in their local community on national campaigns.

DC Volunteers

To inquire about volunteer opportunities in our Washington, DC area office, please e-mail volunteerdc@feminist.org or call 703-522-2214.

The DC office also has occasional weekend action events where volunteers and staff take part in one of our campaigns.

LA Volunteers

To inquire about volunteer opportunities in our Los Angeles, CA area office, e-mail volunteerla@feminist.org or call 310-556-2500.

The Los Angeles area office of the FM/FMF (also the editorial office of Ms. magazine) is looking for volunteers! We need dedicated, enthusiastic feminists who can help out in the office and/or with events. Whether you can volunteer once a week, once a month or once a year, we need your help.