
Women Running for Congress in Record Numbers

Women are running for congress in record numbers this year. Now that all candidates have been nominated for the November 6th elections, 18 women are running for Senate (the previous record was set in 2010 at 14), and 163 women are running for House seats (more than the 2004 record of 141).

“Not since the so-called ‘Year of the Woman’ in 1992 have we seen such a leap in the number of women stepping forward to contend for congressional seats,” observed Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) director Debbie Walsh in a press release . “Many of the same factors are in play- the crucial first election after reapportionment and redistricting, news events underscoring the need for women’s voices in policymaking, and a presidential election year generating political excitement.”

CAWP also reports that more than twice as many Democratic women as Republican women will run for office in this election cycle.

Media Resources: NPR 9/23/12; CAWP Press Release 9/13/12

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