
Police Handling Gay Man’s Death as Hate Crime

A 72-year-old gay Michigan man, Andrew Anthos, died last week after he was attacked allegedly because of his sexual orientation. Anthos, who was helping a wheel-chair-bound friend who was stuck in the snow, was struck with a metal pipe by a man he had been riding the bus with that evening. According to Human Rights Campaign, the attacker asked him on the bus if he was gay. The attacker then followed Anthos off the bus, harassing him and yelling anti-gay comments.

James Tate, spokesperson for the Detroit Police Department, has said that the murder will be investigated as a hate crime, the Detroit Free Press reports. A sketch of the alleged murderer was released today


HRC release 2/24/07; LCCR Task Force release 2/27/07; The Advocate 3/2/07; Detroit Free Press 2/25/07