
Upcoming Leadership Alliance Actions During One Million Voices Week

The UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Leadership Alliance will conduct a Burma Shave using slogans like “Save Roe vs. Wade” and “Protect Choice.” The group also plans to hold a pro-choice film festival featuring “If These Walls Could Talk” and FMF’s “Never Go Back” video. The CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Leadership Alliance is planning a pro-choice march on campus and a “Celebrate Roe” rally as part of their One Million Voices actions.

Leadership Alliances and affiliates at ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITYÑWEST, INDIANA UNIVERSITY AT BLOOMINGTON, MIAMI UNIVERSITY OF OHIO, NORTHEASTERN ILLIONIOS UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, and LEWIS AND CLARK UNIVERSITY, plan to conduct pro-choice education campaigns on their campuses through tabling with One Million Voices materials and screening FMF’s “Never Go Back” video. The GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Leadership Alliance in Washington, D.C. will show FMF’s “Never Go Back” video, followed by a panel discussion with representatives from the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National Abortion Federation, and the Washington Area Clinic Defense Task Force. The CERRITOS COLLEGE Leadership Alliance (CA) has worked with nearly a dozen feminist professors to arrange for their classes to attend the group’s “Never Go Back” video screening for extra credit.

The SPELMAN COLLEGE Leadership Alliance (GA) organized a week-long exhibition for One Million Voices, including a wire hanger display with facts about abortion access and a pro-choice film festival. Members of the SPELMAN FMLA will join OGELTHORPE UNIVERSITY Leadership Alliance activists in supporting reproductive rights by volunteering at the Feminist Woman’s Health Center “Stand Up For Choice” Awards in Atlanta. Feminist activists at BOSTON UNIVERSITY will also create a hanger display to educate their campus about the thousands of women who died from unsafe, illegal abortions before Roe vs. Wade. The MERCER UNIVERSITY Leadership Alliance (GA) will facilitate a discussion about reproductive rights access in central Georgia and will show FMF’s “Never Go Back” video to educate their campus about the impending threat to Roe vs. Wade.

The AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE affiliate group will use FMF’s “Never Go Back” video to educate their campus as part of a larger round table discussion about reproductive rights access with an abortion clinic worker from the Austin Women’s Health Center. Leadership Alliance activists at KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY (PA) and OCCIDENTAL UNIVERSITY (CA) are both organizing letter writing campaigns. Students will show their support for abortion rights through editorials submitted to their campus papers.

The ILLINOIS WELSEYAN UNIVERSITY Leadership Alliance is planning to educate their campuses by showing FMF’s “Never Go Back” video and conducting a “Did You Know” visibility campaign using facts about abortion and reproductive rights. The DEPAUW UNIVERSITY Leadership Alliance (IN) will conduct a workshop about Roe vs. Wade for an introductory co-curricular freshman class. Show your support for Roe vs. Wade during One Million Voices, and visit www.onemillionvoices.com to find an event taking place in your area.

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