
Bush Advisor Links Pro-Choice Supporters to Terrorists

One of President Bush’s campaign advisors on Sunday implied that women and men who participated in the March for Women’s Lives, as well as all those who support reproductive rights, hold the same values as terrorists.

In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Bush advisor Karen Hughes said, “President Bush has worked to say, let’s be reasonable, let’s work to value life, let’s try to reduce the number of abortions, let’s increase adoptions É really the fundamental difference between us and the terror network we fight is that we value every life.”

Hughes continued, saying, “Unfortunately our enemies in the terror network, as we’re seeing repeatedly in the headlines these days, don’t value any life, not even the innocent and not even their own.”

Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority and one of the core organizers of the March for Women’s Lives, immediately sent a letter to Hughes that was copied to President Bush demanding clarification and/or a retraction of these comments, which she wrote “not only demeans those who attended the March, but also the vast majority of Americans who support reproductive health and abortion rights.”

“On behalf of the Feminist Majority, the more than one million marchers, and the American people as a whole, I would hope that you immediately clarify and/or retract your statement and issue an apology,” she continued.

READ THE FULL TEXT of Eleanor Smeal’s letter to Karen Hughes


CNN 4/25/04; Feminist Majority

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