
Maloney Announces Bill to Stop Deceptive Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) announced today a new bill aimed at false advertising by so-called crisis pregnancy centers. The bill, “Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women’s Services” Act, targets anti-choice centers that use deceptive advertising offering help to pregnant women or free pregnancy tests to lure women in, especially young and low-income women. Rather than offering a full range of reproductive health services, workers at these “clinics” use scare tactics and misinformation to convince women not to consider the option of abortion.

The bill directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to create a rule prohibiting these so-called clinics from trying to deceive women into believing they provide abortion services or referrals.

Congresswoman Maloney is confident that her bill will pass. “Although those who are anti-choice disagree with my position on a number of issues, I’m fairly certain they will agree that women do not deserve to be lied to,” she said. “I anticipate my colleagues across the political spectrum will step-up to stop the fraud being perpetrated against the women of America.”

According to the Washington Post, such anti-abortion and crisis pregnancy centers have received more than $60 million in federal funding from the Bush Administration since 2001.


Office of Congresswoman Maloney; Text of ÒStop Deceptive Advertising for WomenÕs ServicesÓ Act; Washington Post 3/22/06

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