
We need your votes!

We’re excited because Working Assets/CREDO has selected the Feminist Majority Foundation as one of the 40 organizations to receive donations in 2013 from the funds it raised this year. BUT we need your help because the amount each of the 40 groups receives depends on the number of votes we get.

Please vote for us now! There are two ways to vote:

  • If you’re a CREDO Member, just visit the online ballot, login, and vote for the Feminist Majority Foundation.
  • Not already a CREDO Member? No Problem. First, simply Take Action by clicking to support one of CREDO’s action campaigns. Once you take action you can login as a CREDO Action Member / go to the Voting Page and support the Feminist Majority Foundation.

With enough votes, FMF could receive $30,000… $40,000… up to $50,000 or more, which will make a difference in our fight for women’s equality. It will help out cutting edge programs such as:

National Clinic Access Project: We protect abortion clinics and women’s health centers against domestic terrorism throughout the nation.

Choices Campus Leadership Program: We are the largest pro-choice college campus program in the nation – now over 604 campuses in 45 states, which has led efforts to get out the vote for college students especially against anti-abortion ballot measures.

Girls Learn International: We are growing our empowerment and equality program for high school and middle school students which partners with girls educational programs in developing countries.

Please take a moment to vote for us today. It’s quick, easy, and effective. Please forward this message to your friends, family, and colleagues.  The more votes, the more dollars for our work to advance women and girls.  And you can vote for the Feminist Majority Foundation EVERY DAY between now and December 31st.

For 25 years the Feminist Majority Foundation has been defending and reducing violence against our nation’s abortion clinics; leading the successful campaign to bring RU-486 (the abortion pill) to the USA; spearheading campaigns to end violence against women at home and to end gender apartheid inflicted on women in Afghanistan.

Today our challenges – and opportunities – have never been greater. With just a little bit of time you can make a big difference. Vote for us now!

Handdrawn ballot box on a green chalkboard photo from Shutterstock.