
Two Iranian Feminists Still Jailed

Prominent Iranian women’s rights leaders Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh remain in jail after being arrested for peacefully protesting on March 4. The women, who were arrested with some 30 feminist activists for protesting the detainment of four other Iranian feminists, have been charged with being a “threat to national security,” the Campaign to Free Women’s Rights Defenders in Iran reports. According to independent news source Huliq.com, they have been ordered to serve a month-long detainment.

The Campaign to Free Women’s Rights Defenders in Iran reports that both women have been interrogated without their lawyers and have been denied their right to visit with counsel and their family members. Sadr, who has a chronic stomach ulcer, and Abbasgholizadeh, who suffers from arthritis and migraine headaches, have no access to medical care in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, where both women are being held. The Campaign also reports that the women are experiencing insufficient heat, limited access to toilets, blindfolding, and sleep deprivation while in detention.

The other feminist activists arrested on March 4 have since been released.

In addition to being activists for women’s equality in Iran, Sadr and Abbasgholizadeh organized a campaign against stoning as a form of punishment for adultery in Iran.

TAKE ACTION Stand with our sisters in Iran. Join our virtual march and send a message demanding the release of Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh


Huliq.com 3/12/07; Campaign to Free Women Rights Defenders in Iran release 3/12/07

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