The case of five men accused of the brutal rape and murder of a 23 year old medical student in New Delhi has been moved to a special “fast-track” court, an Indian magistrate declared on Thursday. The first hearing will be held on Monday, January 21st.
On Thursday Magistrate Namrita Aggarwal dealt with various procedural issues relating to the cases of those accused and announced on Thursday afternoon that five cases will be transferred to a fast-track court. A sixth suspect will undergo a separate trial as the court determines whether or not he is considered a minor and should be tried in youth court. If the men are convicted, they could face the death penalty, according to the BBC.
On December 16th, a 23 year old medical student and her male partner were attacked while riding a bus in South Delhi. Both were beaten and the woman was raped repeatedly. She was transferred to a hospital in Singapore and required multiple surgeries for head and intestinal injuries. She died as a result of her injuries two weeks later.