
Anti-Abortion Politics Hold Up UN Dues

Anti-abortion forces are holding up the payment of nearly $1 billion the United States owes the United Nations. House conservatives such as Chris Smith (R-NJ) are demanding that the US stop financing international family planning organizations that promote abortion rights globally in return for the US payment of UN dues. President Clinton has rejected the advice of his foreign policy advisors to accept Smith’s terms, refusing to compromise women’s reproductive rights.

Many Republicans now want UN reconciliation in light of the 2000 election and to avoid the embarrassment of the US losing its vote in the UN General Assembly if it doesn’t pay its dues. Regardless of their glaring differences, the White House and Republicans on Capitol Hill both claim the two sides were close to striking a deal.

The religious right and its supporters in Congress are trying to destroy President Clinton’s foreign policy agenda by denying the much-needed U.N. dues. They are not content to terrorize the reproductive rights women of the United States, but wish to impose their anti-woman, anti-abortion politics on a global scale. Many women will die and suffer greatly if international family planning organizations are forced to discontinue their reproductive health and abortion services.


New York Times - November 11, 1999 and Feminist Majority Foundation

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