
Lilith Fair Proves Music and Business Success

The Lilith Fair, a female music festival on tour in the United States this summer, is the brainchild of musician Sarah McLachlan. The Fair features over 60 female performers, who appear on a rotation and include some of today’s top music stars. The festival includes McLachlan, Jewel, Shawn Colvin, the Indigo Girls, Tracy Chapman, Sheryl Crow, Dar Williams and Cassandra Wilson. With a variety of styles and genres, along with secondary stages for up-and-coming performers and booths which allow participants to get involved in a range of political issues, the festival has drawn rave musical reviews. It has also drawn sold-out audience after sold-audience. This summer, it is the only show which has consistently sold-old out at each venue.


MSNBC Online - July22,1997

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