
Anti-Affirmative Action Hearings Held in Congress

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Tuesday (4-30) on the proposed California initiative that will end affirmative action and gut sex discrimination if passed by California voters in November. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) publicly denounced for the first time the self-titled California Civil Rights Initiative”calling its language extraordinarily misleading.” Feinstein cited Clause C of the measure, which would gut sex discrimination law in the state and said the clause is considered an invitation to new discrimination.” Senator Carol Mosely-Braun also spoke out against the measure and made note of recent findings that preferences are given to children and friends of VIPs in the University of California system. Attending the hearing to support the initiative were UC regent and CCRI co-chair Ward Connerly and California Gov. Pete Wilson.

Another hearing was held Tuesday by the Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee on pending federal anti-affirmative action legislation introduced by Senator Dole (R-KS) and Representative Canady (R-Fla). Testifying against the measure were District of Columbia Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and Marcia Greenberger of the National Women’s Law Center. The Justice Department has indicated it would urge President Clinton to veto the measure if it passes Congress


The Nando Net and Copley News Service - April 30, 1996; The Associated Press - May 1, 1996; The Los Angeles Times - May 1, 1996

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