
War Crimes Trial Begins

A war crimes trial, conducted by the United Nations’ tribunal in Yugoslavia, opened on March 10 in the Hague, becoming the first collective war crimes trial since World War II atrocities were examined by Nuremberg and Tokyo courts. In the trial against three Muslims and a Croat, prosecutor Eric Ostberg said that Serb prisoners were tortured, raped, and killed at a Bosnian concentration camp. Seventy-six survivors had been called to testify by the prosecution; some say they were victims of torture and rape at Celebici, a central Bosnian camp which the Red Cross reported as a place of harassment and torture in August 1992. The camp was established by mostly Muslim authorities at the beginning of the Bosnian war. At least 14 Serbs were allegedly murdered in the camp while others were tortured as prisoners. The four men are on trial for various atrocities including murder, torture and failure to prevent the alleged atrocities. The tribunal has indicted 74 war crimes suspects, most of whom are Serbs.


CNN - March 10, 1997

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