A non-partisan network of over 120 organizations representing more than six million women announce their opposition to the nominations of John Ashcroft as Attorney General and Tommy Thompson as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The groups will hold a press conference on Tuesday, January 16 at 9:30 am at the National Press Club.
Speakers will include Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority; Patricia Ireland, President of the National Organization for Women; Martha Burk, Chair of the National Council of Women’s Organizations; Sheila Coates, President of Black Women United for Action; Yvonne Scruggs-Leftwich, Executive Director of the Black Leadership Forum; Vicki Saporta, Executive Director of the National Abortion Federation; Samme Moshenberg, Director of the National Council of Jewish Women; and Kathy Rodgers, Executive Director of NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Take action to oppose Bush’s anti-woman nominations. Visit FM’s Appointment Watch for the latest news on Bush Cabinet appointments and take action to oppose anti-woman, anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-affirmative action nominees.
Check out RoevWadeDay.com, FM’s site in celebration of the 28th anniversary of the landmark decision legalizing abortion, and take action online and in your community to protect abortion rights during this critical time.