
10th Anniversary of Take Our Daughters to Work Day

Thursday, April 25th marks the tenth anniversary of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, an innovative program coordinated by the Ms. Foundation for Women that pairs girls with parents or other adult role models for a day of career education and inspiration. The Ms. Foundation’s recent research project with RoperASW shows that Take Our Daughters to Work Day benefits girls long into their lives by helping to create more equitable workplaces. Approximately 11 million girls ages 9-15 will participate in this year’s event.

“When girls came into offices, factories, and firehouses, we knew they would see opportunities for their future,” said Marie C. Wilson, President of the Ms. Foundation. “But we also anticipated that girls would perceive inequalities in the workplace and ask the hard questions that have no easy answers “like why most of the bosses were men and can you have a family and work here too?” Girls who have participated in the day have asked those questions and many unanticipated ones, prompting many companies to re-think their own attitudes toward women workers.

To obtain official organizing materials for Take Our Daughters to Work Day, including sample activities for parents and workplaces, lesson plans for teachers, information on inspirational role models, keynote speakers, posters, stickers, and gifts, visit www.takeourdaughterstowork.org.


Ms Foundation Press Release, 4/25/02

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