Click Here to Participate in the Debate! Today at 12:30pm, ABC’s Sam Donaldson will host a live online debate between Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal and Republican Congressman Tom Coburn on the possible FDA approval of the “abortion pill” Mifepristone, also known as RU-486.
Mifepristone is a safe, non-surgical method of early abortion. It has been used successfully by over 200,000 women worldwide as a method of early abortion, and may be a possible treatment for fibroid tumors, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, meningioma, and some types of breast cancer. Learn More about Medical Abortion.
Eleanor Smeal and the Feminist Majority Foundation have worked for over 12 years to bring this method of early abortion and possible terminal disease treatment to the United States through the Campaign for RU 486 and Contraceptive Research. Learn More about the Campaign.
Please join us today at 12:30pm to let the American public know how important access to this medical breakthrough is for US women!