
Abortion Rights Supporters Create Fund for Harassed Clinician

Supporters of abortion rights have create a support fund to help with legal costs incurred in the case to protect All Women’s Health Services executive director, Jude Hanzo. On Thursday (5-16), Oregon Judge __ granted a permanent stalking order against militant anti-abortion extremist Paul deParrie. DeParrie targeted Hanzo with a “S.H.A.M.E.” campaign to “Stigmatize, Harangue, Agitate, Mortify and Expose Abortionists” and let protests at her house. Legal costs, already high, could rise if deParrie follows through on his plan to appeal the ruling. Contributions can be made to: Legal Support Fund, c/o All Women’s Health Service, 1020 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97232, phone (503) 233-0808


The All-Women's Health Clinic - Release May 17, 1996

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