
Abstinence-Only Groups Launches Misleading Campaign

The National Abstinence Education Association launched a nationwide campaign against comprehensive sexuality education last week. Participants will be encouraged to lobby schools to implement abstinence-only programs and to support political candidates who support such failed programs, according to the Daily Women’s Health Policy Report.

“It’s a classic fear and smear campaign. It’s absolutely misleading,” said James Wagoner, president of Advocates for Youth, reports the Washington Post.

The campaign follows a series of studies and reports that highlighted the ineffectiveness of abstinence only education programs in delaying or preventing teen sexual activity or pregnancy. There has also been a surge in states rejecting federal abstinence-only funds. Iowa became the 17th state to do so in February.


Washington Post 6/1/08; Daily Women's Health Policy Report 6/2/08; Feminist Daily Newswire

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