
ACLU Will Sue if OH Anti-Abortion Bills Passed

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Ohio has indicated that it will sue if two anti-abortion bills, both of which have passed the state House, become law: a fetal heart beat bill, which would ban abortions after the fetal heartbeat is detected, and another bill that would prohibit Ohio residents from purchasing health insurance that covers abortion.

Gary Daniels, associate director of ACLU Ohio, stated that he believes both bills are unconstitutional. He remarked, “It’s quite clear that these bills are going to pass and be signed into law. And like we’ve always done, we will be there in courts to defend the reproductive rights of Ohio’s women. We will sue.”

The heartbeat bill would ban abortions as early as 6 weeks following conception, before many women are even aware they are pregnant, and includes no exceptions for rape or incest. If passed by the Republican controlled-state Senate and signed by the Governor, the law would directly challenge the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which allows women to obtain abortion services until fetal viability at 22-24 weeks .

Daniels believes also that the second bill violates the Affordable Care Act, which states that “no federal, state, or local law or rule shall prohibit the purchase or sale” of health insurance.

Boston Globe 12/8/11; Cleveland.com 12/6/11

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