
Advocates for Youth Join Forces with MTV’S Rock the Vote to Promote

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates and one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases in the industrialized world. Yet, the United States federal government spends over $100 million per year on abstinence-only-until-marriage programs that censor information about contraception; and one-third of all secondary schools in the United States prohibit teachers from answering students’ questions about the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases beyond discussing abstinence. Join Advocates for Youth in urging the President and Congress to stop supporting abstinence-only-until marriage education – education that restricts information about contraception beyond failure rates. Send a message to support responsible sex education – education that teaches young people about both abstinence and contraception. Take action and learn more: http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/ffyr/petition.htm Advocates for Youth fights for young people’s rights to honest, realistic sex education, family planning, and effective HIV/STD prevention programs in the United States and in developing countries, learn more about Advocates for Youth, http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/.

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