
Afghan Human Rights Leader Visits US

Sima Samar, chair of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission and the United Nations Special Envoy to Darfur, will speak at a special forum tomorrow with other women’s rights and human rights leaders to address the US’s failed policies in Afghanistan. Dr. Samar, who is the highest ranked woman official in Afghanistan, will expose the reality of the dire conditions for Afghan women and girls and the inadequate policies of the US and Karzai governments. She will be joined by Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal, who will call for a new direction for US policy in Afghanistan; Mavis Leno, who chairs the Feminist Majority’s Campaign for Afghan Women and Girls; and Ms. magazine Executive Editor Katherine Spillar, whose interview with Dr. Samar was featured in the winter issue of Ms.

Dr. Samar arrived in the US on Saturday, and spoke at the Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Young Women’s Leadership Conference on Sunday. She is scheduled to meet with key members of the Senate and House. Dr. Samar will also be participating in media interviews during her visit.

Tomorrow’s Afghan Women’s Forum will take place at the Holeman Lounge at the National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, Washington, DC at 9:30 am. The event is open to the public.

LEARN MORE Read “A Voice for the Voiceless,” an exclusive interview with Dr. Sima Samar in the Winter 2007 issue of Ms.

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FM release 3/26/07

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