Ten Afghan women activists were awarded a prestigious prize and honor last week for their courageous fight for women’s rights. The medals were presented by the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Dilbar Nazari, on behalf of President Ashraf Ghani during a special ceremony at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday, August 26.

The Medal of Malalai was named for a well-known 19th century Afghan shero. Recipients of the award included TOLO news journalist Shakeela Ibrahimkhail; Nobel Peace Prize nominee Suraya Parlika; Women’s Council Head Fatana Gailani; Afghan Women Network’s director Hasina Safi; Feminine Solidarity For Justice Organization(FSJO) director Liah Jawad Ghazanfar; deputy minister of women’s affairs Fawzia Habibi; Faryab provincial women’s affairs director Sharifa Azimi; Nangarhar women’s affairs director Anisa Imrani; Herat women’s affairs director Mahboba Jamshedi; and Dai Kundi women’s affairs director Zakia Rezai.
Afghan women activists lauded the awardees and said that this action by the government motivates them to carry on the fight for their rights. “The medal that I received today is the medal of Malalai – who is a well-known national hero of Afghanistan. I am proud [to receive] this medal,” said Suraya Parlika.
The ceremony occurred during the occasion of Afghanistan’s 96th Independence Anniversary in Kabul.
Media Resources: Tolo News 8/26/15; Shafaqna News;