Almost two hundred Afghan women gathered in Kabul on Saturday to urge the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to expand the role of peacekeeping troops (ISAF)beyond Kabul. NATO took formal control of Afghanistan’s multinational peacekeeping force today. The Foreign Ministry spokesman also asked for ISAF to be deployed to other centers around the country, according to Reuters.
The women suggested ten other points for stability, peace, and security in Afghanistan that will allow for complete and practical reconstruction including the demilitarization of factional forces, the protection of the Afghanistan and its border by peacekeeping forces, and the urgent and quick reconstruction of Afghanistan.
Shinkai Zahin, from the Afghan Women’s Network, stated that “we do not have the ability to raise our voices because America has put warlords in power. If the situation remains like it is now and NATO does not expand, then there is the danger that we will go back to the old days. If we do not have NATO involved, we can perhaps expect more chaos and instability,” reports Reuters.
The urgent call from Afghan women NGO’s comes at a time when the situation in Afghanistan remains unstable, with continuing murders of aid workers, attacks on United Nations de-mining operations, Taliban-like restrictions in some provinces, factional fighting, and the bombing of girls’ schools. The Feminist Majority continues leading the call for International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) expansion, increased reconstruction funding, and for more resources to support the work of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Independent Human Rights Commission.
TAKE ACTION Urge Bush To Expand Peacekeeping Troops In Afghanistan