
Afghanistan Among “Worst of Worst” Countries on Human Rights

Afghanistan was rated among the 11 worst countries in terms of democracy and human rights according to a new report by the non-partisan, moderate Freedom House. Afghanistan was listed among the 11 worst nations “in which citizens are denied a broad range of the most basic freedoms,” along with Burma, Saudi Arabia, and Turkmentistan. The report analyzes a number of factors to measure freedom around the world, including autonomy in terms of “gender equality, choice of marriage partners, and size of family” as well as “self-determination, self-government, autonomy, [and] participation” for “cultural, ethnic, religious, and other minority groups.” The report rates the Middle East as the region with the fewest “free” nations. In addition, eight of the worst 11 nations were Islamic-controlled countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Turkmenistan.

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Reuters _ December 21, 2000 and Freedom House, ñFreedom in the World: 2000-2001î

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