
Alleged Rudolph Accomplice Expects Indictment

An anti-abortion activist who in February fired a shotgun into an abortion clinic faces a possible indictment for helping anti-abortion extremist and bombing suspect Eric Robert Rudolph escape capture. Brenda Kay Phillips is being held in a North Carolina jail for firing multiple shots at an abortion clinic in Asheville, NC, in the middle of the night, incurring no injuries. She is also charged with making threatening phone calls to the clinic as well as to a Birmingham, AL, clinic that had earlier been the site of a deadly explosion believed to be Rudolph’s work. During the phone calls, Phillips identified herself as a member of the Army of God, the most violent wing of the anti-abortion extremist movement.

While confessing to firing shots at the Asheville clinic in order to “bring attention to abortion and to the unborn children,” as she explained to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Phillips claimed to have helped Rudolph while he was on the run from authorities. FBI agents at the time dismissed her claims, but now her attorney says they are showing “renewed interest” in her story, the AJC reports. Since her initial confession, Phillips has refused to provide details about her claim, according to the Associated Press.

Eric Rudolph was captured on June 1 in Murphy, NC, after five years on the run from authorities. He is believed to be the perpetrator in bombings of two abortion clinics, and lesbian and gay nightclub, and Centennial Park in Atlanta during the 1996 Olympics. These bombings have left two people dead and over 100 injured. Rudolph is a Christian Identity adherent with ties to the Army of God.

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution 76/03; Associated Press 7/7/03; Feminist Daily News Wire

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