On Monday, October 7, thousands of students and activists will mobilize nationwide as part of the Alliance for Justice’s First Monday 2002 “Civil Liberties In A New America.” First Monday unites law school, college and graduate students and community activists in education and action to protect civil liberties.
First Monday events nationwide will premiere the new documentary, Not In Our Name: The Threat to America’s Freedoms, which focuses on civil liberties in a post 9/11 America by highlighting individuals who have been affected by new laws and policies. The film features actress Susan Sarandon and the music of Bruce Springsteen. Well-known historians and civil liberties experts including historian, playwright, and author Howard Zinn, George Mason University History Professor and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Roger Wilkins, and Georgetown University Law Professor David Cole are also featured. You can order the film by contacting the Alliance For Justice office at 1-866-347-7866 or order on the web at http://www.FirstMonday2002.com.