The Catalyst Group has announced that it has awarded Allstate and Avon its annual prizes given to companies which work on the advancement of women. Paul Allaire, a member of the Catalyst board and the CEO of Xerox Corp. commented, “To win the Catalyst Award is to lead the nation in taking advantage of the rich talent now available.” The Group looks at companies’ senior management commitment to the advancement of women and their originality in meeting these criteria. Allstate Insurance accomplished these goals by setting and reaching diversity goals and by evaluating workers six months after they have taken diversity training. Women comprise 19% of corporate officers at Allstate compared to the 10% they comprise, on average, at the 500 largest U.S. Companies. Avon Mexico actively searches for qualified women in Mexico and reviews all employees annually to search for talent and track women’s progress within the company. Women now make up 31% of top managers in Avon, as compared with 26% in 1993. Avon Mexico also supports breast cancer research, women’s sports and cultural activities involving women outside of the company.
The awards will be presented by John F. Smith, chairperson of General Motors Corp., at a March 25, 1997 dinner.