
American Ex-Solider Accused of Rape, Murder in Iraq

A former US soldier was accused on Monday of raping and murdering a young Iraqi woman and killing her three family members in their home. According to the Washington Post, former Pfc. Steven D. Green and four other unnamed members of his regiment planned the attack over drinks after seeing the girl, Abeer Qasim Hamza, near the checkpoint where they worked. The Post reports that Green has been charged with killing all four victims, and he and another soldier allegedly raped the girl, whose age has been estimated by neighbors and hospital officials at 15.

The crimes, allegedly carried out in March, were originally attributed to insurgents. In June, however, soldiers began discussing the incident when receiving counseling after two other members of their platoon were captured and beheaded by insurgents, according to the Post. Green had been honorably discharged because of a “personality disorder” before investigators were aware of the accusations, the Post reports. He was arrested Friday on a federal warrant.

With the urging of two women legislators, Iraqi prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called for an independent investigation into the alleged rape and murders, and a reconsideration of the immunity to prosecution in Iraq granted to US soldiers , according to the Associated Press.


Washington Post, 7/4/06; Associated Press 7/5/06

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