Loretta Marra and Dennis Malvasi were indicted on charges yesterday that they helped James Kopp, who recently confessed to the sniper-style killing of a Buffalo gynecologist/obstetrician and abortion provider, while he was on the run from the law for more than two years. The couple was indicted on charges of harboring a known fugitive, conspiracy to harbor a known fugitive and conspiracy to possess false identification – charges that could add up to 13 years in prison for each. The indictment alleges that Marra and Malvasi provided money, advice and support to Kopp, according to the Associated Press.
Marra’s attorney, Bruce Barket said that the couple was prepared to plead guilty if the US Attorney’s Office agreed to offer another plea deal. Prosecutors refused to comment yesterday on their strategy, according to the AP.
Prosecutors in Buffalo originally offered Marra and Malvasi a plea deal in order to avoid a trial and ensure that Kopp’s murder trial would not be tainted. However, this plea deal was rejected twice by Buffalo district judge Richard Arcara. The case was then moved to a court in New York City.
It is unclear at this time how Kopp’s recent admission of guilt in the murder of Dr. Slepian will affect the trial of his accomplices. “With Kopp’s confession,” stated Eleanor Smeal, Feminist Majority Foundation president, “Marra and Malvasi certainly should not now receive a plea deal from the federal authorities and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law to help shut down this terrorist network.”