
Anti-abortion Group’s Campaign Contribution Case Accepted by Supreme Court

The Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments yesterday in FEC versus Beaumont, a case brought by North Carolina Right to Life challenging the federal law that prohibits corporate contributions. The anti-abortion group argues that advocacy groups organized as nonprofit corporations, such as religious and charitable groups, should be allowed to contribute to political candidates, the Washington Post reported. Earlier this year the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with their claim to allow nonprofit campaign contributions, and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) appealed the case to the Supreme Court.

In October, legislation that would have provided even greater electioneering loopholes for religious groups was defeated in the House. Republican leaders have championed the Houses of Worship Political Speech Protection Act, H.R. 2357, which would allow churches and other houses of worship to engage in political campaigns. If churches and other religious organizations are allowed to get involved in campaigns, they would play a much larger role in the political process and provide the religious right with new ammunition in their ongoing battle against reproductive rights.


Washington Post 11/19/02; Feminist Daily News 9/27/02

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