Operation Rescue announced Tuesday their plan to respond to a week-long hearing in the case against Dr. George Tiller, a late-term abortion provider, with anti-choice protests. According to a press release, Operation Rescue plans a “prayer response” and encourages protest at Dr. Tiller’s Wichita, Kansas clinic.
Charges were filed against Tiller in 2007 that alleged he had violated a 1998 state law on late term abortions and had an improper financial relationship with a physician who signed off on the procedures. Tiller is one of the few late-term abortion providers in the US that serves women with troubled pregnancies and complicated health problems.
In general, the anti-choice movement is regrouping after significant setbacks on Election Day, when all anti-choice ballot measures were defeated and a significant number of pro-choice seats were gained in Congress. Reverend Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, told the Associated Press that “the election forces the pro-life movement to go back to what we do best—local grassroots organizing.” Among other moves, a new anti-choice organization, Personhood USA was formed following the defeat of the Colorado Personhood Amendment. Their goal is to place personhood amendments on more state ballots through petition processes.