
Anti-Choice Legislation Passes House in North Dakota

The North Dakota state House of Representatives passed a bill yesterday that defines a person as beginning at the moment of fertilization and would require doctors to tell women seeking an abortion that the procedure kills a human being. The bill, which passed in the state House 61 to 31, now moves to the North Dakota state Senate, according to the Associated Press.

Supporters of the bill say that its’ intent is to reduce the number of abortions, not ban abortion entirely, according to NBC News.

According to In Forum, Planned Parenthood testified at a hearing on the bill and called it an example of “government forcing political ideology into the doctor-patient relationship” because the legislation “is about interference, not information…government interference in personal decisions best left between women and their doctors.”


In Forum 2/17/09; Associated Press 2/16/09; NBC News 2/16/09