Cindy Sheehan, an anti-war activist and leader of Gold Star Families for Peace, was arrested last night at the State of the Union address for wearing a t-shirt that featured the number of American soldiers who have been killed so far in the Iraq war (2,245). Sheehan’s son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004.
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) had given Sheehan a ticket to watch the speech in the House gallery. “[Sheehan’s arrest] stunned me because I didn’t know in America you could be arrested for wearing a t-shirt with a slogan on it É That’s especially so in the Capitol and in the House of Representatives, which is the people’s House,” said Woolsey, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Sheehan, Congresswoman Woolsey, and other women leaders of the anti-war movement are featured in the Winter issue of Ms. magazine, on newsstands nationwide.
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