
Appreciate Your Providers! March 10th, Refuse and Resist National Day of Action

In celebration of the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers on March 10th, the Reproductive Freedom Task Force (RFTF) of Refuse & Resist! invites you honor the doctors, clinic workers, and all other providers who make “choice” a reality for women. The RFTF of Refuse and Resist conceived the Day of Appreciation as a way of thanking providers for their commitment to women’s health. For more information on the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers, go to: http://refuseandresist.org or call Refuse & Resist! at 212-713-5657.

Download an organizing kit with action ideas, sample press release, resources, and more! http://refuseandresist.org/ab/march10/2003/index.html


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