
Army Officer Accused of Sexual Harassment Will Retire With Reprimand

Maj. Gen. Larry G. Smith, who was accused of sexually harassing the highest-ranking woman in the United States Army will retire September 1 with a reprimand. Lt. Gen. Claudia J. Kennedy alleged that Smith harassed her in a Pentagon office in 1996 and in a report released this week, investigators concluded that Smith “grabbed her, held her against her will, and kissed her.” Although Army investigators substantiated Kennedy’s allegation, they said Smith’s offence did not warrant more serious punishment than a written reprimand. This episode marked the first time one general has ever accused another of sexual harassment but it is one in a long line of incidents involving sexual harassment in the military and the Army’s ability to enforce new statutes and punish any wrongdoings.


Washington Post - 8 July 2000

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