
Army Officer Testifies Against Sgt. Major McKinney for Sexual Harassment

The pre-trial hearing of Sgt. Major of the Army Gene McKinney continued as a commissioned officer testified that McKinney made sexual advances against her wishes while they served in Germany. The officer claims that McKinney made repeated sexual advances, and at one point in 1994 grabbed her arm and tried to kiss her. The officer is one of six women bringing sexual harassment charges against McKinney. Due to the officer’s testimony, McKinney has been charged with solicitation to commit adultery and one count of assault on a commissioned officer in the execution of her duties. Gene McKinney is currently Sergeant Major of the Army, which means that he is the highest ranking non-commissioned officer and chief advocate for the enlisted troops. The objective of the pre-trial, which began in June, is to determine whether or not the charges merit a court-martial.


Reuters - August 11, 1997

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