
Atlanta Lesbian and Gay Club Bombed

Federal investigators are looking into the possibility of a serial bomber in Atlanta after a February 21st explosion at a lesbian and gay night club injured at least five people. Police detonated a second bomb, found in the parking lot, using a remote-controlled robot. The use of the second bomb, placed to injure police and medical personnel who arrived on the scene, resembles the placing of bombs at an Atlanta abortion clinic earlier this year. The bombs used at the clinics and at the July 27, 1996 Centennial Olympic Park, all used nails as shrapnel, as did this most recent attack. Further, in the Olympic and club bombings, a backpack was used to deliver the bomb. In response to these similarities, FBI agent Woody Johnson commented, “We will be searching out the possibility that we have a serial bomber.” Atlanta gay rights activist Lynn Cothren responded to the bombing by commenting, “Maybe this was something to scare us in our place. We will not let this bomb or any kind of hate send us back into the closet.”


The Washington Post - February 24, 1997

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