
Bangladesh Court Bans Religious Attire Requirements

Bangladesh’s High Court ruled late last week that individuals can not be forced to wear religious attire, including the burqa, in workplaces, schools, or colleges.

This ruling follows a recent report that Rani Bhabani Women’s College in northern Bangladesh has required that all women wear burqas, according to the Canadian Press. The school has also barred female students from participating in school sports and cultural activities.

Lawyer Mahbub Shafique petitioned the High Court about the incident. Judges A.H.M. Shamsuddin Chowdhury and Sheikh Mohammad Zakir Hossain have ordered the government to take action against the school and have asked the school’s principle to attend a hearing later this week, according to the Indian Express.

In April, Bangladesh’s court ruled that women could not be forced to wear burqas, according to BBC News. Last week’s recent ruling applies to religious attire worn by both men and women, including veils and skull caps.


Canadian Press 8/23/10; Indian Express 8/23/10; BBC News 8/22/10

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