
Breaking News: Hilda Solis Confirmed as Secretary of Labor

Just moments ago, the US Senate confirmed President Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Labor. California Representative Hilda Solis was confirmed on a vote of 80 to 17. Republicans made up the total of the 17 votes against confirmation.

Solis is a tireless fighter for women’s rights, minority rights, and worker’s rights. In the House, Solis is a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Natural Resources Committees, and the House Select Committee of Independence and Global Warming. She is also a former chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues.

In her eight years in the California state legislature, Solis authored a record 17 anti-domestic violence laws. She also led the battle to increase the state’s minimum wage and has been vital in the struggle to close the wage gap for women.


Feminist Majority; Feminist Daily Newswire 2/13/09

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