Pro-choice politicians in Britain are pushing for changes to the current Abortion Rights Act that would reduce restrictions on abortion. In Britain, abortion is legal until the 24 week of pregnancy, but two doctors are always required to approve the woman’s choice.
Lord David Steel introduced the act in 1968 and is now backing the proposed changes to the law. According to the Telegraph, changing the Abortion Act is the subject of a vote next month. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill could be used to amend the existing abortion laws. Steele said that he would like the act to be changed so that women no longer need the permission of two doctors to obtain an abortion.
Reuters reports that 75 percent of British citizens support abortion rights. About 30 percent of British women will have an abortion before they turn 45.
This week marks the 40th anniversary of the Abortion Act of 1968 that decriminalized abortion in certain cases.